There's nothing more frustrating than battling curly, frizzy or unruly hair. Hours spent trying to tame it with straighteners or styling products are often in vain. That's where Brazilian straightening comes in, offering a revolutionary solution for perfectly smooth, soft and shiny hair. Discover Brazilian straightening in Geneva at XS Studio.

What is Brazilian straightening?

The Brazilian straightening is a hair care technique that is very popular with women all over the world. Originating in Brazil, this treatment aims to smooth and discipline hair, while giving it a silky, shiny appearance. It is ideal for all hair types, whether curly, wavy, frizzy, thick, fine, color-treated, sensitized or damaged.

Brazilian straightening mainly uses a treatment based on keratin, a natural protein found in the hair fiber. This protein is important for the health of our hair, making it strong, elastic and resistant. However, factors such as excessive use of hair products, heating appliances like straightening irons, hair dryers or chemical treatments can weaken this protein, resulting in dull, dry and damaged hair.

Brazilian smoothing

What is the purpose of Brazilian straightening?

Brazilian straightening repairs damaged hair by reintegrating keratin into the hair fiber. The process begins with a clarifying shampoo, which removes all impurities and residues of hair care products. Next, the Brazilian straightening product, often based on keratin and other beneficial ingredients such as argan oil, is applied to wet hair and distributed evenly. Once the product has been applied, the hair is dried using a hairdryer and smoothing brush. Next, the strands are run through a straightening iron to seal in the treatment and leave hair smooth and shiny.

Depending on hair type and desired result, application time generally ranges from 1 to 3 hours. After the exposure time, the hair is rinsed with warm water to remove any excess product. Next, a keratin treatment is applied to deeply moisturize and nourish the hair. Some Brazilian straightening products require additional rinsing, while others require no rinsing at all. The hair is then dried one last time, and the Brazilian straightening is complete.

How long does Brazilian straightening last?

The effects of Brazilian straightening generally last from 3 to 6 months, depending on hair care and maintenance. During this period, hair remains smooth, supple, manageable and resistant to humidity, reducing frizz. However, it's important to note that Brazilian straightening doesn't completely transform curly or frizzy hair into straight hair, but does make it smoother and more manageable.

It's essential to take good care of your hair after Brazilian straightening, using specific shampoos and care products for keratin-treated hair. These products help maintain the hair's moisture, shine and health. We also recommend avoiding the use of shampoos containing sulfates, as they can alter treatment results.

What are the advantages of Brazilian straightening?

Brazilian straightening has revolutionized the hairdressing industry, offering an effective, long-lasting solution for smooth, shiny, silky hair. This keratin-based treatment, which originated in Brazil, has become very popular worldwide thanks to its many benefits for the hair. Brazilian straightening has several advantages:

  • Des cheveux lisses et brillants : Le principal avantage d’un lissage brésilien est de rendre les cheveux incroyablement lisses, soyeux et brillants. Le traitement à base de kératine permet de lisser la fibre capillaire de manière naturelle, pour un résultat impeccable.
  • Réduction des frisottis : Les frisottis font partie des problèmes capillaires les plus courants. Le lissage brésilien est la solution idéale pour réduire les frisottis et discipliner les cheveux.
  • Des cheveux plus forts et résistants : Le traitement de lissage brésilien enrichit la chevelure en kératine, l’un des composants naturels des cheveux. Cela permet de renforcer et réparer les fibres capillaires de l’intérieur, pour des cheveux plus résistants et plus forts.
  • Une chevelure facile à coiffer : Grâce à son action lissante, le lissage brésilien permet un coiffage plus facile et plus rapide au quotidien. Les cheveux sont plus faciles à démêler et à coiffer, pour une chevelure toujours impeccable.
  • Un traitement nourrissant et hydratant : Le lissage brésilien à la kératine nourrit les cheveux en profondeur, pour une chevelure plus saine et plus hydratée. Les mèches retrouvent leur éclat naturel, leur douceur et leur vitalité.
  • Un effet longue durée : Contrairement à d’autres méthodes de lissage capillaire, les résultats d’un lissage brésilien durent plusieurs mois. Selon la qualité des cheveux, l’effet peut durer jusqu’à 6 mois, sans nécessité de répétition régulière du traitement.
  • Adapté à tous types de cheveux : Le lissage brésilien peut être appliqué sur tous les types de cheveux, y compris les cheveux crépus, frisés, ondulés ou bouclés. Il permet ainsi à chacun de profiter d’une chevelure lisse et disciplinée.
  • Économise du temps : Un lissage brésilien permet de passer beaucoup moins de temps à se coiffer. Les cheveux se démêlent facilement et restent lisses et soyeux pendant plusieurs mois, réduisant ainsi le temps de coiffage et l’utilisation d’outils chauffants.

In conclusion, Brazilian straightening is an easy and effective way to achieve smooth, shiny, well-groomed hair. It offers numerous benefits for the hair and is suitable for all hair types. If you're looking for a long-lasting solution for straight hair, Brazilian straightening is a good option to consider.


The results of Brazilian straightening are simply breathtaking. Hair is visibly smoother, shinier and more manageable. Even in humid weather, frizz is significantly reduced, enabling people with once untamed hair to enjoy perfectly smooth, well-groomed hair, without any stress or undue effort.

In addition to smoothing, the keratin treatment used in Brazilian straightening offers additional benefits for hair health. Keratin helps strengthen fragile, damaged hair, reduce breakage and improve the overall texture of strands. Hair becomes stronger, healthier and easier to maintain, requiring less time and effort for daily care.

In conclusion, Brazilian straightening is a hair technique that aims to smooth and discipline hair while adding vitality and shine. This treatment mainly uses keratin to repair damaged hair and give it a silky-smooth appearance. Brazilian straightening is suitable for all hair types and offers long-lasting results lasting several months, provided you take regular care of your hair with appropriate hair care products.

Make an appointment with XS Studio in Geneva for a Brazilian straightening.

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